Membership Status 2022

AGM Report 2021 from the KHS Membership Coordinator

2021 /2022 saw the on-going curtailing of activity due to COVID19

There have been no promotional activities to encourage an increase in membership and the future activities will depend on health outcomes over the next 12 months.

Our membership number based on subscriptions paid as well as associate members from council and other historic societies is at 124.

Receipted subscriptions amounted to $1177 and donations $903 (the later amount included some donation box collections).

Judith and Carol are producing quality newsletters for our members and our open days are being well managed by the committee allowing local residence and members the opportunity to come and view our museum.

Our web platform provider DOMAINZ is being automatically renewed and paid via Fraser. Our web site design page by Square Space has been paid and will be handed across from me to Judith and Carol.

The web page is a great way to promote our museum activities.

Statistics from the Analysis section of Square Space show that we have had;

      • 480 visits - up 83% year on year

      • 973 page views - up 73% year on year

      • 433 unique views - up 75% year on year.

Stewart Madgwick

Membership Coordinator